Will you Join US in Continuing Our Vision?
Please consider a monthly donation to help us keep the African Educate vision alive. Your gift of any size will make an IMMEDIATE impact as we educate all our students, maintain our school, support our teachers and provide breakfast and lunch for our students.
Since 2007, starting with the inspiration of Father Robert Tumwekwase, and through the generosity of many donors like you, African Educate has been able to help to provide assistance with the costs of schooling, uniforms, and school supplies for hundreds of orphans and disadvantaged children each semester in Bucundura, Uganda and the surrounding region.
In 2016, we recognized a real need to build a pre-primary school in the area which would provide a quality education to the children, giving them an opportunity to improve their lives, while also providing them an opportunity to learn sound values, practice service to others, and respect the dignity of all people.
In 2019, after three years of working with architectural students and faculty at Keene State College as well as Active Social Architects (ASA) designing and planning a school which incorporates best practices for educating children in Africa, we were excited to report that our goal was finally within reach. The architectural design for the school had been completed and with the help of SPACO, our construction engineers, building permits were acquired. The construction of the St. Charles Lwanga Nursery and Primary School began progressing on schedule!
On January 10, 2022, with five faculty and additional support staff, and 65 initial students The St. Charles Nursery and Primary School opened its doors. With your continued support, we can keep them open. THANK YOU!
For Current Progress: Click on: News
If you haven’t joined us in our vision, or even if you have, please consider a gift or pledge to our educational funds.
Suggested giving levels:
____Donor $1+
____Supporter $100+
____Friend $250+
____Sponsor $500+
____Patron $1000+
____Angel $5000 +
____Benefactor $10,000 +
We thank you in advance as you consider this very important work. You CAN make a difference!
The Board of Directors, AfriCan Educate